Saturday, July 23, 2011


Peter Burnham and I started the Wessex Collective back in 2005 with a mission. That mission was to publish work that perhaps could be called "socially responsible" insofar as we wanted to publish work that inspired and encouraged empathy for individuals who were not always recognized and respected in mainstream society, to draw attention to social problems and create the inspiration in readers to want to make our world a better place.  We've since been honored to publish wonderful books by very talented and distinquished authors and the mission has expanded to include gaining recognition for authors who deserve it because they have applied their considerable language skills to convey important messages. Some of these authors were once "critically acclaimed" as the saying goes in such publications as The New York Times, The New Yorker magazine and even Time magazine. That was a while back. Now I'm not finding readers who have heard the names Helen Hudson or Jack Wheatcroft for example but I did recently get a thank you from a reader who was able to find Helen's first novel at a branch library and thanked me for introducing her to such a fine writer. We published Helen's last novel, Night Voices and you can purchase a real copy by emailing me or you can download it as an ebook
but I ALSO recommend ALL of Helen's books published years ago by Putnam or Dutton and now only available on used book sites. Check them out:  Tell The Time to None, Criminal Trespass, Temporary Residence, Farnsbee South, The Listener, Meyer, Meyer.  She deserved every word of praise she got thirty, forty years ago and she deserves continued recognition of her fine opus.

Jack's list of published poetry, fiction and dramas is too long for this post. Google him under John Wheatcroft  and watch the video we made of an interview with Jack and his lovely wife Kathryn at their home in PA:

In their eighties, these authors continue to write beautifully crafted and deeply meaningful work.  And, if you are interested,  find out more about the rest of us at: We are a "one for all and all for one" group of people trying to preserve and distribute literature we cherish. And if you have the time and inclination, post a comment here and let us know what you think.

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